

Frequently asked questions about truck scale weighing.

Who are Loadsense?2023-06-06T01:56:45+00:00

Loadsense provides weighing solutions across a variety of industries worldwide for mobile and fixed plant.

What is truck scale weighing?2023-06-09T03:45:58+00:00

Truck scale weighing is a method used to measure the weight of trucks and their loads. It involves driving the truck onto a specialized weighing platform, known as a truck scale or weighbridge, to determine the weight accurately.

Why is truck scale weighing important?2023-06-06T01:58:03+00:00

Truck scale weighing is essential for various reasons, including compliance with weight regulations, ensuring safe road transportation, preventing overloading, determining proper load distribution, calculating tolls or fees based on weight, and facilitating accurate invoicing or billing.

How does a truck scale work?2023-06-09T03:50:54+00:00

A truck scale consists of a weighing platform with different weighing sensors installed. Weighing sensors could be AIR either wired or wireless, loadcells, hydraulic transducers, angle sensors, , rotary height sensors or strain gauges that measure the weight applied to them. It depends how the customer wants to weigh, the truck and or trailers suspension type and what accuracy the customer wants which will determine which sensor works best.

Customers can have axle group or none axle group weighing options depending on what weighing sensor types are used.

Are truck scales accurate?2023-06-09T03:52:15+00:00

Truck scales are designed and calibrated to provide accurate weight measurements. However, their accuracy can be affected by various factors such as scale maintenance, calibration, environmental conditions, and proper use. Regular calibration and maintenance help ensure accurate and reliable weighing.

What are the different types of truck scales?2023-06-09T03:53:31+00:00

There are different types of truck scales, including full-length weighbridges, axle scales, portable scales, and onboard weighing systems. Full-length weighbridges are the most common and can measure the total weight of the truck and its load. Axle scales measure the weight of individual axles or axle groups.

Can truck scales measure axle weights?2023-06-09T03:55:13+00:00

Yes, truck scales can measure axle weights by using axle group weighing sensors such as Air or Angle weighing sensors on each axle group. or by weighing the truck on a full-length weighbridge and calculating the axle weights based on the total weight and axle configuration.

Can truck scales measure the weight of the load separately?2023-06-09T03:57:28+00:00

Yes, measuring the Tare and Gross Weights during calibration. Truck scales can measure the weight of the load separately if the load is removed from the truck and weighed independently on the scale. However, this requires separate weighing operations and may not be feasible in all situations.

Are there legal requirements for truck scale weighing?2023-06-09T04:04:33+00:00

Yes, legal weight limits for trucks vary by jurisdiction and are typically regulated by government authorities. These limits include the maximum allowable gross vehicle weight (GVW), axle weight limits, and other specific weight restrictions. Truck scale weighing helps ensure compliance with these legal weight limits to prevent damage to infrastructure and maintain road safety.

How often should truck scales be calibrated?2023-06-09T04:05:54+00:00

Truck scales should be calibrated regularly to maintain accuracy. The frequency of calibration depends on factors such as scale usage, environmental conditions, and local regulations. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult with a qualified scale service provider for calibration schedules and procedures.

What should I do if my truck scale shows inconsistent or incorrect weights?2023-06-09T04:08:05+00:00

If a truck scale displays inconsistent or incorrect weights, it is recommended to contact the scale manufacturer or a qualified scale service provider to assess and rectify the issue. It may involve calibration, maintenance, or repairs to ensure accurate weighing.

Check your weighing sensors and calibration settings can also be useful during troubleshooting.

Are there any penalties for overloading a truck and or trailer?2023-06-09T04:01:00+00:00

Overloading a truck can result in penalties, fines, or other consequences. Penalties can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the degree of overloading. Common consequences may include fines, citations, impoundment of the vehicle, license suspensions, increased insurance costs, and potential damage to the truck and its components.

How often should a truck scale be calibrated?2023-06-09T03:59:14+00:00

The frequency of calibration depends on various factors, including local regulations, scale usage, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Truck scales generally require periodic calibration to maintain accuracy, and it is advisable to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult with calibration professionals.

Can truck scales be integrated with software or data management systems?2023-06-09T04:02:28+00:00

Yes, truck scales can be integrated with software and data management systems. This integration allows for automated data capture, record-keeping, and reporting. Advanced systems can connect to weighbridge software, enterprise. Our Loadsense scale has the ability to integrate into 3rd party apps using our API from within our app.


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